Hotels exist to make a profit – would you disagree?
The largest controllable expense is payroll – agree?
It makes sense for management to strive to understand its people,
it is one of the biggest drivers of guest satisfaction in a hotel.
Whether we refer to them as Employee Climate, Engagement, Opinion or Satisfaction surveys, the common theme is the need to poll employees in order to assess their perceptions about an organization.
Frankly the hotel industry has been quite rigorous with its surveying processes – surveying is encouraged by many of the brands. Nevertheless, we think typical surveys don’t go far enough to probe the nuances of a competitive labor pool in a community? Comparative data provides a broader, more balanced perspective; and when equipped with such information flagged concerns in a survey can more effectively be addressed by management.
A survey should only be conducted if there is a willingness to consider and act on the findings; and where necessary, intervene with new employee relations initiatives. Also, it becomes vitally important to acknowledge and thank the employees for their contributions to the survey.

Consider a few more reasons to survey employee satisfaction:
- Surveying will help you construct proactive strategies to attract and retain staff;
- Surveying will help to measure the performance of supervisors and managers;
- Surveying provides a convenient measurement to contribute to incentive bonus plans or any other reward structure;
- You can compare departments in your organization or to other organizations to seek out the weakest links;
- If mutual respect is an organizational value, this exercise will strongly support it;
- Unions find fertile ground in a dissatisfied workforce – its best to know your employees satisfaction mindset.
Surveying is a very simple and inexpensive way to calibrate an organization and optimally manage for maximum profitability.
Your Investment
Only $5 per participant to be surveyed
One time setup fee of $150 per client location with 20 or more employees
$75.00 per client location with less than 20 employees
Can I add my own questions to the survey
Yup, you can. Please contact us (888) 677-0177.
How is this 100% anonymous?
We don’t want to know the participants name and the results that you get will require a minimum of 3 participants to complete before we will show you the results. This is how we can ensure anonymity!
If I have multiple locations, can I compare one location to the other?
Yes you can, you can also compare one location to the remaining locations and even break it down by departments.
What is involved if we undertake a survey?
In preparation for this event, several key conditions should be met:
- All employees need uninterrupted and private access to a work or home computer with internet access in order to complete the survey online. Employees should plan a minimum of 15 minutes to complete the survey.
- Posting or notification of the survey in advance of the survey open period should be provided approximately 7 days before the opening date.
- In the event that a given department has less than three employees, those employees must be allocated to another department for the purpose of completing the survey and maintaining confidentiality and anonymity.
- A unique URL link for the survey will be sent to your organization before the survey period begins. It is best to “bookmark” the link on any computer(s) that will be used for employees to complete the survey at work. The URL link can be distributed via email to all employees who have access to their own personal work or home computer.
- Designating an “Employee Survey Ambassador” to be responsible for assisting any employees will help promote participation. Obviously, this should be a person of trust who will not influence the employee’s response.
- ANONYMITY: Employees should be advised that individual responses cannot be traced – there is no login required to the open survey URL. Further, the system automatically adjusts so that no results are shown if there are not at least 3 responses – this helps to ensure anonymity.
- CONFIDENTIALITY: Survey findings are kept strictly confidential and password protected to be accessed only by those individuals that the organization specifies as a “Reviewer”.
- We advise that survey results should be shared with employees, and employees should be thanked for their participation. This will help ensure employee support of any subsequent efforts.
Please contact us you have any questions or concerns.