100% Anonymous Satisfaction / Engagement Surveys...
Guaranteed!Only $8 per Employee
Employee Satisfaction / Engagement Surveys
Employee Satisfaction / Engagement Surveys deep dive into the mindset or culture of a workplace. A snapshot of what your employees really think (when they know their opinions are confidential), can reveal issues that owners, managers or executives may not even know about – but, should.
Payroll is an organization’s largest expense; and, ever changing employee relations impact employee retention and more. We use surveying as a solution to provide guidance and insight for organizations – to more effectively manage their workforce. Ultimately increasing productivity leads to improved profitability.
Our survey system presents statements developed by experts in the human resource field. The statements are positive in nature (such as “I feel my pay is fair”) – they can be answered with Agree or Disagree (so no fence sitting is allowed). Further, each question allows employees to enter comments (which adds more perspective). Our surveys reveal insights to issues that all employers face – whether you have 2 or 200, 000 employees.
You may discover clues to answers you never even knew you needed. Our statements are designed to score issues based upon concrete data that management can utilize to assess performance, or develop workplace policies. You may be surprised at what can come out of the woodwork; or, you may be pleased with the excellent job manager are doing to create a satisfied workforce.
Our well planned, targeted core 17 statements take only moments for employees to answer online. More than just a report, the findings and comparative capabilities present reviewers with an analytical tool (especially the Premium surveys). Password protected results are available for your analysis on-line 24/7.
The really good news is that we do all the work. Administratively, all that is required to conduct a survey is to register; and then, forward an email that we create so that your employees can anonymously take the survey. It’s that easy.
Call us if you wish to learn more; or click to register for a survey.
My organization is strongly upholding our policy on sexual harassment in the workplace – ultimate liability for any employer. Compliance on investigative protocols are essential to follow. How do you know if there is sexual harassment in the workplace?
I have sufficient freedom to carry out my job responsibilities. Would you Agree or Disagree?
This statement – alludes to creativity, autonomy and decision-making skills for employees to feel empowered by their bosses.
My organization is making changes to be successful – embracing change reduces burnout amongst employees; why do something one way when a new, faster and better way is out there?
In the last month my Manager has encouraged me to be creative and innovative – 70% of organizations with an employee recognition program tie recognition to organizational values and 59% integrate recognition into their talent strategy.
It is a wise organization that wants to obtain feedback from employees. Regular surveying is a reminder that a job is an “employment contract”, between two parties that benefits from ongoing communication. In order to achieve maximum productivity from your entire workforce, along with low turnover and improved results – surveying helps you manage well, and manage wise.
Ask Questions – Gain Perspective – Act Now
From 3 to 3 million, let us know how many employees you want to be surveyed.
Contact us for a custom package tailored just for you!
Up to 20 employees- Perfect for smaller companies that are looking for solid feedback.
Up to 30 employees- Great for medium companies looking to grow and streamline their business.
Up to 50 employees- Fantastic option for the large company looking to identify issues.
Up to 100 employees- Excellent for enterprise companies looking for a birds eye view.
Register for your employee satisfaction / engagement survey in only 10 minutes!
Up to 20 employees- Perfect for smaller companies that are looking for solid feedback.
Up to 30 employees- Great for medium companies looking to grow and streamline their business.
Up to 50 employees- Fantastic option for the large company looking to identify issues.
Up to 100 employees- Excellent for enterprise companies looking for a birds eye view.
Just-Ask-Them makes it easy:
- 20 minutes maximum for employees to complete
- Comments available on every question
- No administration time for employers
- Results available online immediately upon survey close
- Assess and analyze findings
- Comparative data and heat map in your report
- Use your business banner/logo
Increases Profit
Performance Review
Improve the 3 P’s!
Performance, Productivity and ProfitabilityWe were very pleased with the smooth administration of the system with over 2000 employees completing the on-line survey in the same period with the results available for all reviewers who had received permission instantly upon the completion of the survey.
Customizable statements are also available at no additional charge
How Satisfied Are Your Employees?
Overall Satisfaction Index
Core Eighteen Satisfaction Index
Just-Ask-Them Core Eighteen Satisfaction Index
Just-Ask-Them CESI
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Your Survey System Mobile Friendly?
Can I export my survey results?
Can I find out who took the survey or who provided certain answers?
Still Have Questions?
If we didn’t answer all of your questions, feel free to contact us anytime.